The Legal Defense Fund is America’s premier legal organization fighting for racial justice. Using the power of law, narrative, research, and people, we defend and advance the full dignity and citizenship of Black people in America. Founded in 1940 under the leadership of Thurgood Marshall, who subsequently became the first African-American U.S. Supreme Court Justice, LDF was launched at a time when the nation’s aspirations for equality and due process of law were stifled by widespread state-sponsored racial inequality. From that era to the present, LDF’s mission has always been transformative: to achieve racial justice, equality, and an inclusive society. Find us at, or @naacpldf (Twitter/X), or @naacp_ldf (Instagram), or @naacpldf (Facebook).

Brown's Promise is dedicated to fulfilling the promise of Brown v. Board of Education. Brown’s Promise envisions a world where children from all backgrounds learn together in excellent, well resourced, diverse schools led by diverse educators. Brown’s Promise is a new effort launched in 2023 by former Obama administration officials to reignite forward progress 70 years later, with a focus on state courts and state policy change. Brown's Promise is hosted by The Southern Education Foundation, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization committed to advancing equitable education policies and practices that elevate learning for low-income students and students of color. Find us at, @BrownsPromise on (Twitter/X), and on LinkedIn 

Columbia Law School’s Education Law and Policy Society (ELS) is a student association dedicated to raising awareness about the intersections of education, equity, and the law. ELS works to expose law students to the importance of law in education. ELS are funded, in part, by the Davis Polk Leadership Initiative and the Anti-Racism Grantmaking Program, both Columbia Law School initiatives designed to fund projects focused on building a more equitable future. 

Special thanks to our supporters at...

The Columbia Journal of Race and Law

The "Lawyers, Community, and Impact Series"